Saturday, November 8, 2008

"We Will Never Forget...."

The Holocaust. One of the world's most tragic events. Over 6,000,000 innocent people slaughtered among those 6 million, 1/2 million of them were children. The Holocaust happened all throughout Europe and the rest of the world stood by and let it happen. The Holocaust, although a terrible event, is important for us to learn about. We don't want another Holocaust, ever.

Holocaust means "death by fire". All over the world there are holocausts, but there is only one Holocaust.

Between 1941 and 1945 millions upon millions of Jewish people, African Americans, homosexuals, mentally disabled people, and other "different" people were slaughtered by Nazis.. Although Jewish people were the main victims of the Holocaust, they were not the only ones.

To begin to tell you everything that happened during the Holocaust would be impossible. So much happened in less than a decade and it all started when Adolf Hitler became Chancellor of Germany.

Hitler's main goal was to create a pure society. He wanted a world made up of only Aryan people. Essentially blonde hair, blue eyes. The irony in that is, Hitler had dark hair, dark eyes, and a dark mustache.

Hitler hated all Jewish people and anyone who was different. Another ironic thing is that Hitler was part Jewish. He had Jewish blood.

The Holocaust was Hitler's attempt to wipe out an entire group of people off the planet. To annihilate all Jewish people.

For years the rest of the world stood aside and watched as every day thousands of people were tortured and killed. Worked to death, starved to death, murdered because an SS solider was in a bad mood, and every other horrific thing you can imagine. No one came to their aid.

Finally in 1945, action was taken. Those still living in concentration camps were liberated. The Holocaust was brought to an end all over the world.

I was lucky enough to hear a Holocaust survivor speak. Yesterday I went to a local Holocaust Museum with school. It was a truly unique experience. Everything in the museum was, of course, real. Some of the pictures were very gruesome and just unbelievable. You wouldn't believe me if I told you.

The person I heard speak had a great story. Her name was Maria. She told of how she lost her dad and other members of her family. She told us about how she was transported from camp to camp. How she had practically no food. Being afraid of taking a shower. Because you did not know if water or gas would come out of the shower heads.

To hear a first hand account of what happened was a very special experience. As I was listening to her speak I could picture in my head what was happening, although I know that the picture in my head is nowhere near as bad and horrific as the real thing. And at the same time I was picturing it in my head I thought about how the memories had to be playing in her head at that same moment. How hard it must be for her to talk about what had happened. I had so much respect for her in that moment alone.

Maria was liberated on April 15, 1945. She was 19 and weighed 57 pounds.

After she was finished speaking we were able to ask her questions. I asked her if her experience diminished or changed her faith. She answered me, with her chin held high: "No. Absolutely not. I am proud to be a Jew." That is truly incredible and highly admirable.

Every day Holocaust survivors are dying. One day, there will be none left. If you ever have the opportunity to hear a Holocaust survivor speak, do not pass it up. You won't regret it, I promise.

The greatest thing we can learn from a Holocaust survivor is the importance of acceptance. We have to learn to accept everyone as individuals. We must learn to be tolerant of other ethnicities and cultures. We must never let another Holocaust happen.

Gleichheit für alle
(Equality for all)

Peace out,

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Cheers of success echo throughout the country. Celebration is everywhere. For today, history has been made. Today, America has elected its first African American president, Barrack Obama.

Sometimes it makes my head spin to think about the word change. In the few short years that I have been alive, the world has changed greatly. Technology has progressed rapidly. In my time, from the walkman to the super sleek iPod. From the monsterous desktop computers to a compact slimline. From just a regular cell phone to a mini-computer with phone capabilites. Things have changed.

My homes have changed, my friends have changed. I have changed. Change is a part of life. Change is good.

Hopefully, if you are at least 18, you voted in the election. it is important to exercise the right to vote. It gives you a voice. No vote is insignificant. If you don't vote, then you must be okay with the way things are and you don't want change.

The way the economy is now, change is good. We need change.

Let's hope that the change coming our way is for the better.

Peace out,

Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween Horror

Ah, Halloween. Candy, Costumes, and...Conflict.

My parents are at it again, folks. Putting me in the middle of things and/or controlling my every action because of jealousy and the complicated divorce system.

This Halloween I was originally going to my friend's house to watch scary movies. Those plans fell through however because my friend has a Cross Country meet tomorrow: sectionals. :D GO GER-BEAR! Anyway, not many of my friends can stand to watch scary movies.

So....I had a decision to make. It was my mom's year to have me and my brother for Halloween, but it's my dad's weekend. So my dad asks what my plans were, but he said it in a way to make me feel like I had to choose his house. I ended up saying that i wanted to go to his house, but not because of that.

I wanted to go to my Dad's because they were going to have a bonfire and have friends over and my stepmom was makng potato soup. I love potato soup and have been craving it for the past week or so.

All was fine and dandy, my dad and stepmom didn't have a problem with me coming over. My mom on the other hand was very disagreeable. I called her to tell her that I was going to go to my dad's for Halloween and she told me flat out no. She wouldn't budge. She did compromise and say that she would take me later.....

I was crabby after Spanish today when I had to work with two kids who refused to work. And the Halloween situation made me even crabbier. On top of that my mom and I began to talk about money. She is supposed to pay for all the school stuff including field trips and I am going to be losing about 17 dollars of my own money because my mom will only pay half and my dad refuses to pay the other half.

Anyway, I decked myself out for Halloween. I was a gothic angel. My costume was something I threw together. I didn't have to buy anything and I looked pretty good if I do say so myself. I ended up going over to my next door neighbors house to "scare" him and we walked around for several hours just going up to people and scaring people.

According to him I have an amazing "possessed death glare" :D So we hung out for a long time. After walking around we watched "Amityville Horror" It was a good movie. It had a few freaky parts and the movie was supposed to be extremely freaky but it wasn't too scary. It was very predictable. I totally called it.

Speaking of calling things and predictions, I must tell the highlight of my night. I had just finished telling my friend the story about a couple of occurences that made my best friend believe I had psychic abilities. So as a joke he asked me "What will my next guinea pig's name be?"

I answer, "Shadow. It will be all black."

We walk up to the corner of the street and my friend yells "Oh my God!" (there was obscene language but I have omitted that) "Oh my God! Jessica look at this!" He points to a sign on a post and keeps repeating "Oh my God."

I look at the sign and it says: "Lost dog. Black Lab. Shadow."

It was kind of freaky. It gave us both chills. It was awesome :D

So in the end everything worked out :D

I hope your Halloween was as kick butt as mine was :D

Peace out,

Saturday, October 25, 2008


Lately I've had the urge to experiment with different things. I'm not a very technological person so I thought that toying with the gadgets on my blog might be a good way for me to learn something. So if you see new things on my blog don't freak out. The world is not going to end.

That will happen in 2012 whn my newly lisenced brother drives off the road and into a nuclear power plant :D

So you might have noticed that I added a playlist to my blog. I had seen playlists from in several places before so I wanted to see if I could do it. Surprisingly, I was able to. Now I hae a new toy to play with.

I have a somewhat diverse playlist. I have many songs that are not suitable for young children's ears. For example Down with the Sickness by Disturbed. I have the long version with the long rant near the end that is nothing by foul words. It's awesome. I love it.

I have silly songs that make me smile. For example Bad Horse from Dr. Horrible's sing along blog and the Numa Numa song.

I have classical songs. Pure instrumentation. I have Claire De Lune on there because it's a nice song. I also have two songs from the Transiberian Orchestra. I'm actually going to see them in concert. It's going to be pretty cool. I'm excited.

I even have foreign songs on there! I have three songs in German. Rette Mich by Tokio Hotel and Reden by Tokio Hotel. And Du Hast by Rammstein. The song Rette Mich has an english translation "Rescue Me" you can look it up on youtube. Personally I like the German version better. I think it's prettier. I know Reden doesn't have an english translation, but it means "Talk". And "Du Hast" I don't think has an english translation but it means "You Hate." I don't suggest you look that video up. It's creepy.

I hope you enjoy the music!

Peace out,

Thursday, October 16, 2008


Life is so short in comparison to the expansion of time that is the world. The Earth has been around for about four and a half billion years. A human life, at most, is a little over a hundred years. A human life is like a second compared to a millennium. It's short.

To me, it is a waste to spend any of that time being angry or mad. You never know how much time you will have, so to be mad at someone is just a waste of time. Every second of everyday is precious. Every second that passes is one less you have to live.

As humans, we have emotions and anger is just a part of life. There will be a time when we will get angry at someone we care about and love, whether that person would be a friend or family member. Such is life. It happens.

However, when you're mad at someone don't wait to talk to them about it. Never leave the house angry; because what if something happens? What if you never see that person again? The last conversation you had with that person was one of anger. So when you are mad, talk it out. Find it in your heart to be forgiving.

Forgiveness is important. People make mistakes. No one is perfect. Our mistakes shape us, if we learn from them. Forgiveness allows you to move on with your relationship. If you stay mad, your relationship with a person freezes or takes a negative turn. And that's not what you want.

I will admit that I have been mad at a friend for a while now. I'm working on forgiving that person. It's a little difficult, not because I don't want to forgive this person, it's just I can't actually sit down and talk with this person. But I am working on it. In fact, I've pretty much completely forgiven this person. I realize now that I let myself stay mad too long. This experience made me realize how big a waste of time being angry is.

So don't stay mad at the people you love. Be forgiving. Because you never know how much time you really have with them, why waste it arguing?

Peace out,

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Yin and the Yang

The Yin-Yang is a Chinese symbol that represents the balance of good and bad. It represents that there cannot be good without evil and there cannot be evil without good. It's kind of like when someone comes up to you and asks "Do you want the good news first or the bad news?" It seems that there is hardly ever good news without bad news.

So what relevancy does all of this have? Well this past weekend demonstrated this balance in my life.

The Good: When I was in fourth grade, I moved and changed schools. For several years I had kept in contact with my best friend from elementary school, but a couple of years ago we lost contact because she was supposed to move. She was going to give me her information so we could keep talking but I never received anything. So just when I thought I was never going to hear from her again, Thursday I received a letter from her.

I was ecstatic. Not only had she written me, but as it turned out, she hadn't moved. I had immediately decided that I was going to walk to her house over the weekend so we could hang out and catch up.

I was so excited about getting that letter that I wrote her back write away, including in it a story that I had written for my English class last year about her and a necklace she had given me.

Now why didn't I just call her? Because I had a ton f homework and I knew that if I started a phone conversation with her it would last for hours. Which wouldn't be good for a school night when I had mounds and mounds of homework.

So I wrote the letter and decided that I would call her later and them walk to her house that weekend. I was felt extremely happy. I had planned to go to school the next day and tell everyone, including my English teacher (who I had both this year and last year).

The Bad: Friday I woke up and I went to take a breath, but I felt like something was pushing down on my chest and it hurt. I started coughing a deep cough and my dad decided that I should see the doctor. As the morning progressed, I got the chills and spiked a fever. I felt horrible.

I ended up being sick all weekend. This stomped my plans for walking to my friend's house, I didn't get to tell my friends about what had happened while the excitement was still brand new, and Friday was my brother's birthday. It seems I always get sick on my brother's birthday because Friday was definitely not the first time.

I also ended up missing the last softball game of the season because I was sick. That bummed me out a lot.

So I guess the message of that story, depending on whether you are a pessimist of an optimist, is if something bad happens don't get too down about it or let it affect you too much, because something good is going to happen as well. It's natures balance.

In other news, my mom and step dad are back together. They're trying to work things out which is good. I hope it all works out. Although yesterday my step dad got into a big tizzy about not being able to find the stapler (which by the way was originally mine that he dubbed the family stapler) and he and my mom got into a small argument about that. I think the stapler is somewhere in my room, but I can't find it at the moment. If it turns up, it turns up, if not, well....oops.

Peace out,

Monday, September 15, 2008

A Turn for the Worst

Imagine looking around at your room -your habitat, the place where you feel safe and comfortable- and not knowing how much longer you have in that place. Not knowing if you'll be staying in that place for much longer. Tonight, that is exactly what I've been doing.

Today, I fell off of the tip of the knife that I have been balancing precariously on for the past seven years. Today, I found out that my stepdad was staying somewhere else because he and my mom got into a fight...again. This time it was the straw that broke the camel's back. And it was over something so stupid too. My brother was asked to walk the dog and he didn't do it because he claimed it was raining. My stepdad was scolding my brother for it, kind of laughing at him about it and my mom told him, nicely, that what he was doing wasn't helping her do her job. And my stepdad blew up.

My mom told me today that she didn't know if they were gonig to try to work things out. Apparently they had attended marriaging counseling previously. I was not aware of this. Also, my mom told me that she knew my stepdad had somewhat of an anger issue. She had hoped that they could work on it. Yeah right. Now looks where it's gotten us! She told me that she was trying to hold out until me and my brother each graduated high school.

My mom assures me that whatever happens, she will keep me and my brother in the same school district. I don't want to go to the school at my dad's because it is not that great of a school. the school I attend now is so much better with greater opportunities. I don't want to change schools....for the fourth time (Not including transitions to middle school and high school).

So right now as I'm sitting in my room, my sanctuary, I don't know if I'll be able to stay here. I don't know if I'll be leaving soon, leaving my familar room behind for a smaller, more cramped room. I don't know if somehow something will happen where I end up being able to stay. I just don't know. Everything is uncertain right now. It's all up in the air.

When my Dad finds out about what happens, things will only get worse for me. He will be pushign for me to go to school over there, and I don't want that. That is the last thing I want. He'll be pestering me and my mom about the school situation, about our home situation, and he might even go out on a limb and try to gain full custody of me and my brother.

I really hope that doesn't happen. I wish I could just be a kid again. A kid with no such worries as I have at this point in my life. With so much approaching in the near future with college and my career and stuff, I don't need all of this family issues either. I really don't.

Of course, no matter what happens though, i will be strong for my family. For my mom, for my brother, I will be strong. I have to be. If not me, then who? Only the weakest rocks crack under pressure. I 'm no piece of shale. So whatever happens, happens. I just have to focus on my school work and not let this affect my grades in any way. It might be hard, but i can do it. I know I can.

Peace out,

Saturday, September 13, 2008

September Sorrow

This past week has been...interesting to say the least. Many great things have happened and on the flip side, many not-so-great things have happened. Since I'm a positive person, I always start with the good things first.

This week has been good because my softball team played our first three regular season games, and won each one. Tuesday we beat our rival school 11-1 in four innings. Wednesday we won our game 10-0 in four innings. Thursday (also our third baseman's birthday) we won 16-1 in three innings. So all of that is very exciting.

I took an English test on Tuesday (English is my favorite subject) and we got them back on Wednesday. Most of the scores were B's. I got a 97% A, so that's good. For my AP European History class we received the essay portion from our test last week back. The average score was 60%. I received a 90%. My Dad and Stepmom's anniversary was this week. We went out to dinner that night to celebrate, it was fun. Overall, you could say I had a pretty good week. But that's only if you look at the good stuff.

Now, for the negative side to my week. I was swamped with chemistry homework all week because my chemistry teacher gives us busy work, which I hate. There wasn't a single night this week that I didn't go to bed past midnight, so I was exhausted.

My friend is upset with someone she really cares about but won't tell that person that she's upset and talk to that person.

Yesterday was my grandpa's birthday. He would have been seventy one. I miss him terribly and even though it's been seven months since his passing, I still haven't totally accepted the fact that he's gone. I still expect to see him everytime my Grandma and uncle come to visit or we go to visit them. Yesterday reminded me that he was gone, really gone, and it hurt.

Thursday, as we all know, was the seventh anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, it was also my Dad and Stepmom's 7th anniversary.

We have a new principal at my school and she's come in and ruined everything. She has gone completely overboard with enforcing the rules and it's bad. Many of the teachers don't even like her. Thursday when my friends and I went to the library after school we had to deal with one of the many changes at our school. When we walked into the library we had to sign a sheet saying what homework we were going to be doing. We signed the Science sheet. Then we had to go to the science section, as if we were little kids. We were yelled at if we talked. If we finished with our Science homework we were supposed to go up to the front desk, sign out of the science section and sign up for a new section and then go to that section. Yeah right, that wasn't going to happen. This year is going to be great! Ugh.

I think I failed my journalism test yesterday because I had absolutley no time to study after I finished my Chemistry homework. So that's just splendid. I don't even want to see my grade on that test, because I know it's bad. But thankfully, I'm not the only one who believes they did poorly.

I only have one thing left to say: Thank goodness it's the weekEND!

Peace out,

Sunday, September 7, 2008

The Verdict

So last night I told my mother that I was going to Homecoming this year and I also told her that I had already bought a dress. Of course, she did get a little bent out of shape about not being the one to take me shopping. I had expected that. In fact, I had already accepted it as inevitable, but I had planned out what I was going to say to her before hand to get her to understand.

It hadn't been nearly as painful as I had anticipated. The conversation really had only lasted a few minutes. I explained to her that I had not intentionally gone shopping for a dress without her, but that I had just happened across the dress and I couldn't pass it up. The dress was perfect for me, and it was cheap. I would have been stupid not to get it.

Thankfully, my mother understood, to an extent. I showed her the dress and she thinks it's cute. She likes it. She's already planned to bombard me with pictures. So, the worst is definitely over. And to appease her, I promised to let her take me shoe shopping, seeing as I still need to buy shoes that will go with my dress.

I'm just glad that I was able to get my mom to understand. I would have been really upset if I had to return the dress; and I probably wouldn't have gone to Homecoming this year. But thankfully, things worked out!

Peace out,

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Dresses and Drama

School is officially back in secession. It has been for about three weeks. This past Friday was my school's first Varsity football game. Everything is starting to pick up speed. What's one event that many students look forward to at the beginning of the year? Homecoming of course!

Last year, I didn't go to Homecoming. I know, that's not cool. Instead I decided to stay the night at a friend's house who also didn't go to Homecoming. We had fun, I don't regret not going last year. But this year i decided that I would go. Yay for me, right? Well, yeah. Once I'm there and having fun, it will all be worth it. The preparation, however will be a nightmare.

I will admit that before yesterday, I did not own a dress. I hadn't for years. I am not a dress wearing type of person. So, I figured the hardest part for me would be finding a dress that I liked that fit me. Well yesterday I was at Gordmans shopping for jeans and shirts when I decided to just peruse the dress rack. Well while I was looking I saw an adorable black dress. It was spaghetti strapped and had embroidery on the bottom and was just adorable.There was only one of that dress left, and lucky me it was a size small. So I tried it on and I was so pleased that it fit! I ended up buying it.

Now I know what you are thinking. "So what's the problem? You found your dress, good for you." Well, I was out shopping with my stepmom. I was with my stepmom when I found the dress. I went to her and told her about the dress and that I wanted it. That's great, right? Not so much.

My stepmom and my dad both seem to think that my mom will have a problem with the fact that I bought the dress while I was out shopping with my stepmom, which I can see happening as well. My mom does not yet know about the dress. I am with my mom for Homecoming. So my stepmom and I had to come up with a plan to get the dress over to my mom's without my mom seeing and from there I can show it to my mom and ask her what she thinks. And if my mom gets bent out of shape about it, I have to return the dress.

To me, that isn't fair at all. I will be beyond furious if i have to return this dress because my mom got mad that I was with my stepmom when I bought it and not her. To me, it would be like my mom didn't really care that I found a dress I like just as long as she's with me when I buy a dress.

So right now I'm crossing my fingers and hoping that my mom will understand. Hopefully, she won't give me any trouble about it, although I really doubt that.

Peace out,

Monday, August 4, 2008

Two Households, Two Different Atmospheres

As you can probably imagine, living in two different houses isn't easy. Of course, neither house is the same. In my case, my houses seem like polar opposites to me. I would be lying if i said that I didn't prefer one house over the other. Not the parent, mind you, the atmosphere of the house.

My Dad's house is always clean, and the air is clean. My Mom's house, although it really isn't dirty, feels dirty to me. That probably doesn't make much sense, but when you add the factor of cigarette smoke, then it might become more clear.

My Dad's house is untainted by cigarette smoke. No one has smoked in my Dad's house since we moved in 2004. The people before us were not smokers, so that adds several more years onto the four years that my family has lived there. The air is clean there, therefore making the house feel cleaner.

My mom's house is the opposite of my Dad's in the regards to cigarette smoke. I can't escape it. The house reeks of the offending odor. My clothes smell horrible because the smell attaches to the fibers. My mom smokes a lot, my stepdad is a chain smoker. He sits downstairs and smokes cigarette after cigarette. I stay in my room most of the time because no one is allowed to come in my room with a lit cigarette.

Well there, problem solved. Stay in your room and you don't have to smell it. I wish that were the case, but unfortunately it's not. The smoke is so heavy in my house that the smoke is pulled through the return vents and is then pulled throughout the house. I know exactly when the vent in my room starts blowing because I can smell the smoke. And trust me, it is one of the worst smells.

I used to choke to death when I would walk into the hallway bathroom. (mind you, there are three bathrooms in my house) I would always be so unfortunate to walk into the bathroom not long after my stepdad exited. It's really sad when you can't put down your cigarette long enough to go the bathroom. The smoke gets trapped in the bathroom with no way out because my stepdad -for whatever reason- closes the door when he comes out.

Now, the reason I used the past tense when I said "I 'used' to choke to death " was because he has gotten better. But sometimes I still catch it. But I never understood why it was a problem in the first place. He has his own bathroom in his bedroom AND in the basement. He could smoke in those bathrooms until his heart's content without it bother someone. But I guess that would have been too much to ask. I have to breath in the stuff all the time anyway, what's a little extra smoke while I pee?

My mom doesn't seem to understand why I don't want my friends to come over to my mom's house. The truth is, I'm embarrassed. My house reeks and feels so filthy to me because of the smoke (and the majority of my friends have non-smoking parents) that I don't want my friends coming over. Several of my friends have bad smoke allergies. They can't come over to the house because of its rancidity.

The smoke makes it harder to breathe. I don't have asthma, but my brother does, and yet my mom and stepdad still smoke in the house as if it doens't affect anyone other than themselves. My brother's doctor, just by listening to his breathing knew that someone smoked around him constantly. The doctor had TOLD my parents not to smoke around my brother. My dad doesn't, my mom and stepdad still do.

I've noticed that as I help around both houses that I tend to prefer my stepmom's methods of cleaning over my mom's. For some reason, my stepmom's methods feel.....cleaner. My mom always tells me that she makes me do chores because she's teaching me, yet I feel like -watching my stepmom clean- I'm not learni ng the proper way to thoroughly clean.

It's amazing how the atmosphere of one house can feel so different from another. Air really isn't just air. It's not the same wherever you go. Sometimes the difference can be smalll, other times big.

Well I'm out,

Friday, July 18, 2008


Tomorrow (well I guess it'd be today because it's past midnight) I'm going to my Dad's for my team softball party, which I'm excited about. I get to see my dad and stepmom for the first time in about two weeks. I can't wait. I get to give them the presents I bought them in Mexico and I can't wait :D And everything is just dandy, right? Eh....not exactly.

This weekend I am with my mom, but thankfully she's letting me go over to my dad's for the party. The dilemma? Transportation. My parents argue over who should pick up and drop off on these special circumstances. It's never simple. Apparently I made the mistake in assuming that my mom was going to drop me off.

Tonight I called my dad to ask him if it was okay if I stayed overnight because the party usually went past midnight. After I got off the phone I told my mom all the details of the party and she told me when she would pick me up and she asked me "What time is your dad picking you up tomorrow morning?"

"Um, I thought you were taking me?" I asked her. My mom shook her head. As you can imagine, this is very frustrating for me. My parents always fight about "Well I normally do all the driving so they should pick you up/drop you off not me."

"No...I said I would pick you up. You're dad can come get you."
"But mom, Dad has to prepare for the party and stuff....."
"So?" Of course, she doesn't care about that. It doesn't affect her, but it affects everyone going to the party.
"Mom, he can't. He has to get ready for the party." I wasn't liking where this conversation was going. I was beginning to think that my mom wasn't going to let me go if my dad didn't come pick me up. After she had already told me I could go. And the party IS for my softball team, it was also the only day possible before school starts.
"Well, I'll take you, but only for you. Not for your Dad." Um....where did that come from? Not for your dad? It was never for my dad!
"Yeah mom, that's how it should be. You do this for me!"

It's very aggravating that she would say that. She let's her dislike for my dad affect me and my brother. If she would have said that she wasn't going to take me, things would have been a lot worse.

It's not that big of a deal I guess, it just gets annoying when your parents fight over who's going to pick you up and drop you off. I can't wait until I don't need them to go places anymore!

That's it for now,

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Another post. Well this is because it happened after I posted the other post.

We actually returned home from our trip to Mexico early. We were supposed to return on the 18th, this Friday, but instead we returned the 15th, today. Well of course, my brother and I had to call our dad and tell him that we made it home safely. Now, here is what i was afraid of:

My dad knows that we are back at home on a Tuesday. We are home before his normal days that he would have us (Wednesday and Thursday). Why does this make me afraid? Because my dad is going to ask me and my brother if we are coming over on Wednesday and Thursday when originally we were not going to be with him (obviously because we would not have been home).

I hate that so much. I hate having to choose whether or not to go to one house or stay at the other. I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings or upset anyone by doing so. I usually do have a preference of where I'd like to stay, and it normally isn't the same house ever time, but I still hate having to choose. Like today when my dad was asking me this question, he has to tack on the comment that will make me feel guilty if I choose to stay at my mom's. He says "I would think you would because it's my normal day, but it's up to you."

Well, I wanted to stay at my mom's. I was tired after the long car ride, I just wanted to unpack and relax and recuperate from the long journey without having to worry about having to gather up my stuff to go over to my dad's for two days just to return back to my mom's. To me, it wasn't worth the hassle.

My brother was of the same opinion. Now, we have to inform our dad of our decision. Shouldn't a red flag go up alarming you that something isn't right when your kids fight over who has to tell one of their parents that they would rather stay with their other parent? This is what happened with me and my brother, and my mom was standing right there watching us and she thought it was funny! How is that funny? I see no humor in making your kids have to choose between one parent and the other.

How do you choose? If you're like me and you love both of your parents and you don't want to hurt their feelings, how do you choose? It's hard, extremely hard. If I had to choose between my parents to live with one full time, I could never do it.

As a teenager, I know I will have to make many decisions. Some will be small, some will be big, life-changing decisions. Which classes I plan on taking next year?, what activities do I want to participate in ?, what am I going to wear to Homecoming? those decisions are fairly simple. More critical decisions can include when I'm offered a cigarette, what choice will I make? When I'm offered drugs, what choice will I make? Is abstinence important to me? All of these decisions are life-altering. The outcome could be good the outcome could be bad, depending on the decision that is made. These are just a few, there are many many more. So, on top of all that, should we have to choose between our parents? No, we shouldn't have to.

Well, that's all I have for now,


Okay, I totally meant to update this awhile ago, but my mom walked in and of course I was writing about conflicts going on between her and my dad. So, I left it.
OH! And then, on my email I get a notification of a comment and it says "How old are you?" or whatever, and I pretty much ignore it. Well my mom has to have my password to my email for "Internet Safety", or an invasion of privacy really if you ask me. Well I was checking my email and I noticed that that email notification had been forwarded. Not by me, I can tell you that. It was forwarded to my mom! By who? My mom!
So after that I decided, "Hm, maybe I should wait a little bit to post again....because I don't want my mom to delete it or anything...."
So yeah. Parents can be very overbearing sometimes. I know my mom only does this stuff because she loves me and cares about me, but honestly, it would be nice if she put a little bit of trust in me.

I've been in Mexico for the past week and a half. In fact I just got back at about 4 am. It is now 6:13 am, and I'm not tired. So, as far as things with my parents go, there isn't much. I really miss my dad and I can' t wait to see him on Saturday. It's my mom's weekend but I'm going to my dad's for my softball team's end of the year party. I also can't wait to see my stepmom. I missed her too.
The trip was great. Except we drove. The trip was 28 hours from my house to Puerto Penasco. OH MY GOD, that is a lot of driving. We drove there in three days, stopping in Phoenix for a day. On the way back, it took us only two days. It was time to come home. We were all homesick.
And I'm happy to say that my stepdad and I only got into it a couple of times. That's good for us. I was seriously worried about that.
The worst part of the trip which had me seriously annoyed with my mom and stepdad was the seemingly incessant smoking. My stepdad brought a big bag of jolly ranchers so that he wouldn't be smoking as much, but that didn't help AT ALL! Between him and my mom, there was always smoke in the car because they took turns smoking. It was ridiculous they way they "fought" over whose turn it was to smoke. It made me disgusted.
My summer's been kinda busy, but I know I will definitely be updating more and a lot more frequently. I can sense that the now calm ocean is about to get very rough soon. I can sense it.

Why is it that your divorced parents can never think anything positive about the other? Hm, I'd like to know the answer to that question as well. It's stupid really. How can two people who had once been married and had two kids together (in my case) think so negatively about the other? Because they feel they have to hate that person? If that's the answer, then I am thoroughly disgusted. Why can't parents realize what their unkind words towards the other parent hurt their kids?
What brought that question up?
Well, on April first, my dad quit smoking. I was so happy that he had finally decided to do it. And he was determined to quit. He made it 12 weeks, 12 WEEKS!!!! I thought he was gonna make it, I really did. Unfortunately, he did not.
He started smoking again and he didn't even try to get help before he started again. He just bummed a few off his co-worker and then bought a pack of his own. Without trying to talk to his quit coach, without talking to my stepmom, without talking to his kids.
What makes it worse? My mom's negative comments. When I told her that my dad quit smoking, was she positive and encouraging? No. She was negative. "Oh really? Good for him, do you really think he can do it?" The words may not sound so negative, but keep in mind how much power your tone of voice has. Yeah it was very negative.
When I told my mom, in tears I might add, that I was upset because my dad started smoking again was her response soothing? No. Why? Because it was negative. "Yeah, I kinda figured that would happen."
Thanks mom, that was very comforting.

I just don't get it. This year has been nothing but terrible. The worst year of my life. And that's saying a lot considering it beat '05, the year I had brain surgery.

Well that's about it for now....

Anxiously waiting for the next big storm,
Jay Jay

Monday, April 7, 2008


Hello, my name is Jay~Jay
The reason I'm starting this blog is for....two reasons:

1. To help me vent my feelings when things at home get to be too much
2. Hopefully to help others dealing with the same thing I am

Basically, it's no fun having divorced parents. Let's be honest, it sucks. It's hard especially, for those whose parents have joint custody and are bounced from house to house during the week. It's tough, but we have to cope. The hardest thing, though, is when you're parents can't communicate with each other and they expect you to pass important information on to the other parent. And of course, if you forget, you get yelled at. How is that fair? It's not.

Step by step, we learn. And everyday we deal. We adjust. Life is hard. If this will make us tougher....well I wish we didn't have to learn how to be tough by going through this. But what can we do? We have a few options:
1. Mope about how bad our life is and how much we wish our parents would get along.
2. Not let our parents put us in the middle of the things THEY should be handling.
3. Spending time with our friends, not letting our situation bother us.
4. Learn from this experience.
(I'd say 2,3,and 4 are our best options)

Life is like a ladder, that we keep building higher. It's up to us to make it strong at the bottom so as we continue to climb, we won't fall off. If we can get past this, keeping our ladder strong, as we continue working our way through life, we'll stay climbing.

Feeling like my life is like a ping pong match, I'm out,