Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Cheers of success echo throughout the country. Celebration is everywhere. For today, history has been made. Today, America has elected its first African American president, Barrack Obama.

Sometimes it makes my head spin to think about the word change. In the few short years that I have been alive, the world has changed greatly. Technology has progressed rapidly. In my time, from the walkman to the super sleek iPod. From the monsterous desktop computers to a compact slimline. From just a regular cell phone to a mini-computer with phone capabilites. Things have changed.

My homes have changed, my friends have changed. I have changed. Change is a part of life. Change is good.

Hopefully, if you are at least 18, you voted in the election. it is important to exercise the right to vote. It gives you a voice. No vote is insignificant. If you don't vote, then you must be okay with the way things are and you don't want change.

The way the economy is now, change is good. We need change.

Let's hope that the change coming our way is for the better.

Peace out,

1 comment:

Laura said...

WOOOOT! Go Obama!

Many things have changed, havent they? Well whatever happens, know that I love you! *hugs*