Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween Horror

Ah, Halloween. Candy, Costumes, and...Conflict.

My parents are at it again, folks. Putting me in the middle of things and/or controlling my every action because of jealousy and the complicated divorce system.

This Halloween I was originally going to my friend's house to watch scary movies. Those plans fell through however because my friend has a Cross Country meet tomorrow: sectionals. :D GO GER-BEAR! Anyway, not many of my friends can stand to watch scary movies.

So....I had a decision to make. It was my mom's year to have me and my brother for Halloween, but it's my dad's weekend. So my dad asks what my plans were, but he said it in a way to make me feel like I had to choose his house. I ended up saying that i wanted to go to his house, but not because of that.

I wanted to go to my Dad's because they were going to have a bonfire and have friends over and my stepmom was makng potato soup. I love potato soup and have been craving it for the past week or so.

All was fine and dandy, my dad and stepmom didn't have a problem with me coming over. My mom on the other hand was very disagreeable. I called her to tell her that I was going to go to my dad's for Halloween and she told me flat out no. She wouldn't budge. She did compromise and say that she would take me later.....

I was crabby after Spanish today when I had to work with two kids who refused to work. And the Halloween situation made me even crabbier. On top of that my mom and I began to talk about money. She is supposed to pay for all the school stuff including field trips and I am going to be losing about 17 dollars of my own money because my mom will only pay half and my dad refuses to pay the other half.

Anyway, I decked myself out for Halloween. I was a gothic angel. My costume was something I threw together. I didn't have to buy anything and I looked pretty good if I do say so myself. I ended up going over to my next door neighbors house to "scare" him and we walked around for several hours just going up to people and scaring people.

According to him I have an amazing "possessed death glare" :D So we hung out for a long time. After walking around we watched "Amityville Horror" It was a good movie. It had a few freaky parts and the movie was supposed to be extremely freaky but it wasn't too scary. It was very predictable. I totally called it.

Speaking of calling things and predictions, I must tell the highlight of my night. I had just finished telling my friend the story about a couple of occurences that made my best friend believe I had psychic abilities. So as a joke he asked me "What will my next guinea pig's name be?"

I answer, "Shadow. It will be all black."

We walk up to the corner of the street and my friend yells "Oh my God!" (there was obscene language but I have omitted that) "Oh my God! Jessica look at this!" He points to a sign on a post and keeps repeating "Oh my God."

I look at the sign and it says: "Lost dog. Black Lab. Shadow."

It was kind of freaky. It gave us both chills. It was awesome :D

So in the end everything worked out :D

I hope your Halloween was as kick butt as mine was :D

Peace out,

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