Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Yin and the Yang

The Yin-Yang is a Chinese symbol that represents the balance of good and bad. It represents that there cannot be good without evil and there cannot be evil without good. It's kind of like when someone comes up to you and asks "Do you want the good news first or the bad news?" It seems that there is hardly ever good news without bad news.

So what relevancy does all of this have? Well this past weekend demonstrated this balance in my life.

The Good: When I was in fourth grade, I moved and changed schools. For several years I had kept in contact with my best friend from elementary school, but a couple of years ago we lost contact because she was supposed to move. She was going to give me her information so we could keep talking but I never received anything. So just when I thought I was never going to hear from her again, Thursday I received a letter from her.

I was ecstatic. Not only had she written me, but as it turned out, she hadn't moved. I had immediately decided that I was going to walk to her house over the weekend so we could hang out and catch up.

I was so excited about getting that letter that I wrote her back write away, including in it a story that I had written for my English class last year about her and a necklace she had given me.

Now why didn't I just call her? Because I had a ton f homework and I knew that if I started a phone conversation with her it would last for hours. Which wouldn't be good for a school night when I had mounds and mounds of homework.

So I wrote the letter and decided that I would call her later and them walk to her house that weekend. I was felt extremely happy. I had planned to go to school the next day and tell everyone, including my English teacher (who I had both this year and last year).

The Bad: Friday I woke up and I went to take a breath, but I felt like something was pushing down on my chest and it hurt. I started coughing a deep cough and my dad decided that I should see the doctor. As the morning progressed, I got the chills and spiked a fever. I felt horrible.

I ended up being sick all weekend. This stomped my plans for walking to my friend's house, I didn't get to tell my friends about what had happened while the excitement was still brand new, and Friday was my brother's birthday. It seems I always get sick on my brother's birthday because Friday was definitely not the first time.

I also ended up missing the last softball game of the season because I was sick. That bummed me out a lot.

So I guess the message of that story, depending on whether you are a pessimist of an optimist, is if something bad happens don't get too down about it or let it affect you too much, because something good is going to happen as well. It's natures balance.

In other news, my mom and step dad are back together. They're trying to work things out which is good. I hope it all works out. Although yesterday my step dad got into a big tizzy about not being able to find the stapler (which by the way was originally mine that he dubbed the family stapler) and he and my mom got into a small argument about that. I think the stapler is somewhere in my room, but I can't find it at the moment. If it turns up, it turns up, if not, well....oops.

Peace out,

1 comment:

Laura said...

Well I'm glad your mom and step-dad are back together, but sorry about you not being able to go see your friend. That was the perfect title for this entry! :D Love ya!!