Thursday, October 16, 2008


Life is so short in comparison to the expansion of time that is the world. The Earth has been around for about four and a half billion years. A human life, at most, is a little over a hundred years. A human life is like a second compared to a millennium. It's short.

To me, it is a waste to spend any of that time being angry or mad. You never know how much time you will have, so to be mad at someone is just a waste of time. Every second of everyday is precious. Every second that passes is one less you have to live.

As humans, we have emotions and anger is just a part of life. There will be a time when we will get angry at someone we care about and love, whether that person would be a friend or family member. Such is life. It happens.

However, when you're mad at someone don't wait to talk to them about it. Never leave the house angry; because what if something happens? What if you never see that person again? The last conversation you had with that person was one of anger. So when you are mad, talk it out. Find it in your heart to be forgiving.

Forgiveness is important. People make mistakes. No one is perfect. Our mistakes shape us, if we learn from them. Forgiveness allows you to move on with your relationship. If you stay mad, your relationship with a person freezes or takes a negative turn. And that's not what you want.

I will admit that I have been mad at a friend for a while now. I'm working on forgiving that person. It's a little difficult, not because I don't want to forgive this person, it's just I can't actually sit down and talk with this person. But I am working on it. In fact, I've pretty much completely forgiven this person. I realize now that I let myself stay mad too long. This experience made me realize how big a waste of time being angry is.

So don't stay mad at the people you love. Be forgiving. Because you never know how much time you really have with them, why waste it arguing?

Peace out,


Ash said...

Personally, one of my favorite posts I have ever read. Its very true, why be angry at someone, when you may never see them again?
Amazing. Keep writing, Jay.


Laura said...

Spectacular my dear sister. I am very glad that you are going to forgive your friend. You know that person never ment to hurt anyone, things just.. happened.
It was a wonderfully written post my darling dear. *hugs*