Saturday, October 25, 2008


Lately I've had the urge to experiment with different things. I'm not a very technological person so I thought that toying with the gadgets on my blog might be a good way for me to learn something. So if you see new things on my blog don't freak out. The world is not going to end.

That will happen in 2012 whn my newly lisenced brother drives off the road and into a nuclear power plant :D

So you might have noticed that I added a playlist to my blog. I had seen playlists from in several places before so I wanted to see if I could do it. Surprisingly, I was able to. Now I hae a new toy to play with.

I have a somewhat diverse playlist. I have many songs that are not suitable for young children's ears. For example Down with the Sickness by Disturbed. I have the long version with the long rant near the end that is nothing by foul words. It's awesome. I love it.

I have silly songs that make me smile. For example Bad Horse from Dr. Horrible's sing along blog and the Numa Numa song.

I have classical songs. Pure instrumentation. I have Claire De Lune on there because it's a nice song. I also have two songs from the Transiberian Orchestra. I'm actually going to see them in concert. It's going to be pretty cool. I'm excited.

I even have foreign songs on there! I have three songs in German. Rette Mich by Tokio Hotel and Reden by Tokio Hotel. And Du Hast by Rammstein. The song Rette Mich has an english translation "Rescue Me" you can look it up on youtube. Personally I like the German version better. I think it's prettier. I know Reden doesn't have an english translation, but it means "Talk". And "Du Hast" I don't think has an english translation but it means "You Hate." I don't suggest you look that video up. It's creepy.

I hope you enjoy the music!

Peace out,

1 comment:

Laura said...