Friday, July 18, 2008


Tomorrow (well I guess it'd be today because it's past midnight) I'm going to my Dad's for my team softball party, which I'm excited about. I get to see my dad and stepmom for the first time in about two weeks. I can't wait. I get to give them the presents I bought them in Mexico and I can't wait :D And everything is just dandy, right? Eh....not exactly.

This weekend I am with my mom, but thankfully she's letting me go over to my dad's for the party. The dilemma? Transportation. My parents argue over who should pick up and drop off on these special circumstances. It's never simple. Apparently I made the mistake in assuming that my mom was going to drop me off.

Tonight I called my dad to ask him if it was okay if I stayed overnight because the party usually went past midnight. After I got off the phone I told my mom all the details of the party and she told me when she would pick me up and she asked me "What time is your dad picking you up tomorrow morning?"

"Um, I thought you were taking me?" I asked her. My mom shook her head. As you can imagine, this is very frustrating for me. My parents always fight about "Well I normally do all the driving so they should pick you up/drop you off not me."

"No...I said I would pick you up. You're dad can come get you."
"But mom, Dad has to prepare for the party and stuff....."
"So?" Of course, she doesn't care about that. It doesn't affect her, but it affects everyone going to the party.
"Mom, he can't. He has to get ready for the party." I wasn't liking where this conversation was going. I was beginning to think that my mom wasn't going to let me go if my dad didn't come pick me up. After she had already told me I could go. And the party IS for my softball team, it was also the only day possible before school starts.
"Well, I'll take you, but only for you. Not for your Dad." Um....where did that come from? Not for your dad? It was never for my dad!
"Yeah mom, that's how it should be. You do this for me!"

It's very aggravating that she would say that. She let's her dislike for my dad affect me and my brother. If she would have said that she wasn't going to take me, things would have been a lot worse.

It's not that big of a deal I guess, it just gets annoying when your parents fight over who's going to pick you up and drop you off. I can't wait until I don't need them to go places anymore!

That's it for now,

1 comment:

Laura said...

Jay~Jay! I'm so sorry love. I know it can get tough. *sigh* But you always have me and know that I love you my peach cup dork!