Saturday, January 17, 2009


It's been a long time since I last updated my blog. Surprisingly, there hasn't been much going on as far as my parents are concerned. There are a few, trivial things that have gone on, but they really aren't worth mentioning. Just the typical bickering.

I find it incredibly ironic how my parents yell at me and my brother because we fight and bicker so much, yet my parents are ten times worse; and they're supposed to be the adults. My parents can't hold a civil conversation with each other. Both of them talk about the other one accusingly. It's all very childish.

I honestly think that parents are the biggest hypocrites around. Take the phrase "Do as I say, not as I do". That phrase is completely hypocritical. You do something, but then tell your kids they can't do it. But most kids look up to their parents, want to be like their parents, and will essentially want to copy everything they do. So the phrase "Do as I say, not as I do" should be erased from every parent's mind, in my opinion.

Yet I know that when I become a parent, I will use that phrase at some time. Do you see what I mean about parents being hypocritical?

Okay enough of that for now. There are a lot of things to talk about. This post is bound to be really long, I might have to break it up.

I hope everyone had an enjoyable holiday season. Mine was great, although it never really did feel like the holidays to me. It came and went so quickly, the warm, joyful atmosphere of the season was absent.

Happy New Year to everyone as well. 2009 snuck up on us, not that I'm complaining. New Year's Eve didn't feel like New Year's Eve to me either. To me it just seemed like "Oh, look it's 2009 now." It was nothing like the loud clatter of celebration that normally occurs. Which is surprising because it seemed like so many people were ready for 2008 to be over.

My winter break was longer than it has been in the past. I think it's the longest break I've had since I started school. We had a total of 17 days scheduled for break. We ended up having 18 days of break. The day we were supposed to go back, school got called off for icy road conditions.

So school started and I already have a lot of homework. As of this week, I have an F in my AP European History class. I had planned to take all of my notes for the unit last Sunday, but I got sick so I slept most of the day instead. That week we had a really big quiz almost no one in my class passed.

The class average was 27% yikes! Haha, I got 10%. I was lucky I scored that high, though. But I'm not worried about it. There are only two grades in the grade book. It will be incredibly easy to bring my grade back up.

I got my report card in the mail this week, and I was not very happy. This was my report card:

Honors Chemistry: A 93%
AP European History: A 90%
Journalism I: A 94%
Honors Geometry: B 89%
Honors English: A 90%
Oral Communications: A 97%
Spanish 3: A 90%

I was 1% away from having straight A's. Being a perfectionist, that kills me. We had to do this stupid project in Geom. where we had to build a bridge out of toothpicks and it had to hold at least 20lbs to receive full credit.

Well, me and the two friends I worked with suck at building anything with our hands. We could have had the perfect design for our bridge and when we went to build it, it would have looked nothing like our design and it still would have failed. So I really don't see the relevancy of that project.

We got a B on the project and it was for a test grade. It caused me and my friend Geri to end up with B's for the semester. It was extremely aggravating.

In journalism, we have 7 students in the class. It is amazing. First semester we had like 20 students, now we have 7. It's wonderful.

Speaking of journalism, there are two column spots on the school newspaper and two columns from my class will be picked to go into the paper. I'm really excited about it.

I'll make another post for my column. This one is getting really long.

There are a lot of things happening right now. I've decided to give up softball. I'm not playing this summer for my rec. team and I'm not playing for school.

Softball just isn't fun for me anymore. I don't feel like I really fit in on either team. My rec. team is extremely cliqueish and it's uncomfortable. The girls on my school team just aren't the girls I hang out with.

Another reason for my decision is a bit more complicated. Every year, I try hard and I practice. But I only seem to digress in my skill. Well, that's not completely true. I've become a little better, but only fractionally.

The first year I played, I'm not going to lie when I say that I was amazing. My first year was in fifth grade and I was my team's star short stop. I turned many double plays and just made a lot of good plays.

The next year, I had to move up to an older team. The team I ended up playing on was a team my old team had played against. The whole team moved up because they were all old enough to move up.

The team mom told my coach "That's the short stop from the Rascals!" and he was really excited about that. He told me that when he found out he was like "Yes!"

Well.....I was sick that year. That was the year when I had Hydrocephalus. I sucked at softball. I remember one day when we were doing drills we had to field the ball and then throw it in.

Well I very clumsily fielded the ball, barely managing to scoop it up, and then I went to throw the ball, but I ended up turning 180 degrees to face the oppostite direction. I was looking for the person I had to throw it to. Yeah, it was really bad.

I haven't been able to work my way back up the ladder. I thought I would be able to, but I couldn't. The next two seasons, I wasn't that good either, because I didn't realize that my illness had damaged my eyes. So it was hard for me to follow the ball.

I've only played a few true seasons of softball, and they just haven't been what I thought they would be. So, I'm putting my bat and glove up.

And next year in the fall, I'm going to try out for the school play. I can't wait. Acting is one of the things I love to do. And I'm good at it. The past two years, I played softball instead of auditioning for the play. I miss acting. So this year, I'm auditioning.

If I don't make it, then I can keep myself busy with the Renaissance Club.

I'm excited about 2009. I can't wait to see what this year will bring.

Peace out,

1 comment:

Laura said...

Wow. As long as that was, it was very informative. I'm sorry about Softball, because in some ways I know you'll miss it. But I hope everything turns out for the better. I love you my little sister Peach!!