Tuesday, January 27, 2009

And the Winner is......

So last week I posted the column I wrote for journalism. Yesterday my class found out who's column was chosen to go into this issue of the school paper.

As it turns out, the staff of the newspaper didn't plan very well and they somehow calculated taht they had space for an extra J1 column. Well, they didn't. So only one column out of the seven J1 columns were chosen to go into this issue.

My teacher said that all of the columns were good and that they will all go into the paper sometime this semester. So that's good news for everyone.

But the column that aws chosen to go into Febuary's issue of the paper was.....Mine.

I'm excited. I know that not everyone reads the school newspaper. A lot of people just skim it and skip over a lot of things. But it doesn't matter to me. There will still be some people that read it and that's all that matters to me. l

Well that's all I have for now.

Peace Out,

1 comment:

Laura said...

OMG!!!!!!!!! YAY!!! I'm so happy for you Jay!! Congrats!!!!!