Monday, February 2, 2009


So today is Groundhog's Day. Exciting right? I find the concept of this holiday to be quite interesting. I have always been mystified by the story of the groundhog's ability to predict the arrival of spring.

It never made sense to me. You'd think taht if the groundhog saw his shadow it would mean spring would be early. Because him seeing his shadow means that there is sun. By not seeing his shadow, one would think that would mean more winter.

But as the story goes, when the groundhog comes out of his hole and sees his shadow, he gets scared and runs back into this hole to hide for six weeks. I think it's actually a cute story. I just find it funny how big it's become.

Nearly every state has its own groundhog that is pampered for the day.

I just think it's interesting. I kind of like celebrating the small holidays, like today.

So Happy Groundhog's Day everyone!!!

Peace out,

1 comment:

Laura said...

Happy Groundhogs day!